Presented at ATP Innovations in Testing Conference 2018, San Antonio, TX

This session will explore the importance of a sound program design by describing how the design impacts the test development cycle. The objectives are:
1) Understand the steps needed to develop the architecture surrounding a sound program design that supports a program’s goals and provides value to its stakeholders.
2) Gain awareness of how program design directly impacts other test development stages.
3) Improve understanding on how to measure the success of the program design throughout the test development cycle.

There will be 6 presenters from 5 testing organizations and 4 verticals: IT credentialing, professional credentialing & licensure, education, and employment selection. The presenters include psychometricians and program directors. The psychometricians will provide background information about program design as it relates to the different testing verticals. The program directors will share their experience with how to effectively and successfully implement a program design.

Amanda Wolkowitz, Alpine Testing Solutions
Lisa O’Leary, Alpine Testing Solutions
Jessi Mielke, Esri
Vikas Wadhwani, Facebook
Keith Wright, The Enrollment Management Association
Ceylan Cizmeli, United Nations